In line with your purpose

Image of a man in a greenhouse playing with his daughter.

Leemons is a platform designed to bring education closer to all those organizations, institutions and entities that are looking for an accessible, innovative and collaborative approach to learning.

We firmly believe that education is a fundamental right that should be available to all people, regardless of their educational and economic level.
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More commitment and better results

If you are a non-profit organization that seeks to transform education and empower people through training, Leemons LXP is your  platform. We offer you several possibilities:
Fair code

Build your own solutions using the full potential of Leemons.

Feeemium plan

Start using Leemons now with a no risk free trial license.

Woman with down syndrome working in a coffee shop serving a customer. Conceptual images of Leemons on the image.

Best technology for learning

Leemons is funded by impact investment funds, so our metrics are both business and purpose related.


With our Fair Code version, we give non-profit organizations the opportunity to access a high quality learning platform without financial constraints. If you prefer not to worry about hosting and want to ensure scalability, security and constant innovation, our Software as a Service (SaaS) version has special rates for non-profit organizations.

B Corp Commitment

At Leemons, we don't just talk about social commitment, we live it. We are a company born with BCorp DNA, which means that our business practices are aligned with the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. By choosing Leemons LXP, you are opting for a solution that shares your values and actively contributes to the well-being of society.

Digital skills and employability

If your organization has a social objective and you work to promote access to employment for key groups, you will be interested to learn how Leemons improves the digital skills of students. Better prepared profiles thanks to its communication, organization, collaboration and content creation tools, similar to those used every day in thousands of companies.

Atomic instructional design

Every learner is unique, so Leemons LXP is highly adaptable, offering customized experiences for different learning styles and skill levels. Save time and effort by designing training programs in atomic mode and tailoring them to each group in record time.

Collaborative learning

Receive feedback on activities and assessments to adapt them to what your team needs. Provide direct feedback and facilitate collaboration like never before: peer reviews, role playing, discussions, projects, cases...

Measure, analyze and decide

Data helps us improve teaching quality and ensure learning success. You will be able to improve your retention KPIs and ensure a better completion rate of your programs, get real-time reports and show the impact of your organization in numbers.

Imagen del interfaz del panel de control de tareas y evaluaciones de Leemons
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