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Leemons academy

The key to data-driven learning

Leemons is the learning platform that adapts to your teaching model and improves learning outcomes thanks to its end-to-end solution.

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A versatile and universal platform

K12 Education

With a pedagogical approach, putting students at the center, from the earliest stages of education.

Higher Education

To enable students and teachers to meet the digital challenges of the labor market.

Corporate Training

We empower data utilization in order to unleash the full potential of your team.

Non-profits & NGO's

We believe that everyone has the right to the best technology for learning and teaching.


Teachers and students:
a high performance team

Mujer sentada en un sillón, trabajando con ordenador con mensajes de Comunica de Leemons superpuestos
Leemons is a platform designed for teaching and learning, and focused on improving the daily lives of teachers and students.
The place where you can organize, collaborate, communicate, create and share content, assess knowledge, and make more and better data-driven decisions to personalize learning.

Scalable, 100% customizable and easy-to-use.

So you don't have to worry about anything else.

An all-in-one solution, that adapts to you

The all-in-one communication tool for learning environments: with individual or group chats, conversations by subject, assignment, activity, and a Focus mode to turn off notifications when you want to concentrate. Streamline requests between users and keep the conversation within your platform environment.

Imagen extendida del interfaz de la herramienta Comunica de Leemons: ventana principal, ventana de conversación y mesnajes de alerta

Amazing dashboards tailored to the needs of each user profile to keep everything at hand. Leemons notifies students of new assignments, deadlines or the receipt of grades. While teachers receive continuous information on the pace of the groups, pending evaluations and student comments.

Imagen del interfaz del panel de control de tareas y evaluaciones de Leemons

You no longer need a myriad of applications to digitize your processes. Leemons offers you a whole interconnected ecosystem of productivity tools fully adapted to the academic world, boosting classroom collaboration in a synchronized, agile and intuitive way.

Imagen del interfaz de la herramienta Calendario de Leemons

Leemons adapts the productivity tools of agile startups to the educational world. With the Kanban board, students and teachers can control their tasks at a glance with a simple card system, manage their workload and effortlessly acquire digital skills.

Imagen del interfaz de la herramienta Kanban (tablero de gestión de tareas bajo metodología ágil) de Leemons

The Leemons library allows you to manage all the content created on the platform, links to external sites or files uploaded to the cloud such as videos, audios, images...  Organized by subject folders, with permissions to share between users and a powerful tagging system to locate in seconds everything you need.

Imagen del interfaz de la herramienta Biblioteca de contenidos de Leemons

Leemons provides a wide range of utilities for both content review and knowledge assessment: question and test banks, activities and assignments with deliverables, group projects... with a feedback system that allows teachers to provide valuable feedback to students to help them progress.

Imagen del interfaz de la herramienta Tareas - momento de evaluación - de Leemons

Turn your center into a learning organization using the full power of data. Encourage student self-regulation with clear context information, anticipate the level of engagement in groups and the risk of dropout, and implement continuous improvement cycles in your programs, content and methodologies.

Composición del interfaz de la herramienta Cuaderno de notas de Leemons con gráfica de engagement superpuesta

More time to enjoy your job

Having a good product is key, but what you can do with it is even more important. That's why Leemons is easy to use, accessible and adapts to your training style.

So you only have to worry about what you do best: teaching.

Imagen conceptual de alertas de evaluación
Gráfica de análisis de engagement pro tipo de tarea

One step closer to their goals

A student-centric platform that gives them a continuous view of their progress so they know where to focus.

Leemons fosters self-regulation, commitment to their own learning and autonomous decision making.

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